
Appointment Locations

Herne Hill, London, SE24 0BX
Harley Street, W1W
U.Beeding, West Sussex, BN44 3JB
Your home (depending on location)
ZOOM or phone (wherever you are in the world)

Central London
1 Harley Street
London, W1G 9QD

South London
Poplar Walk, Herne Hill
London, SE24 0BX

Upper Beeding
W. Sussex, BN44 3JB

Anywhere in the world


Postal address: please request this by email or phone
Clinics held at:
Central London: (oppos Cavendish Sq)
The Lewis Clinic
1 Harley Street
London W1G 9QD

The Awareness Centre
41 Abbeville Road
London SW4 9JX

Herne Hill
Poplar Walk
London SE24 0BX

Home visits are also possible, depending on location.

To book a session please call Kristin on 07963 046 456 or email

Contact us

Please feel free to call me for an informal, confidential chat or send me an email with any questions you may have. Tel: 07963 046 456 or email me at